So today I shopped at VG's, a store that I usually avoid, because they have higher than average prices. They do, however, double coupons up to and including $1.00. I (as usual) spent more than I was planning on, but I got some really great deals.
First off I'll say, that they seem to be discontinuing a lot of their products, especially gluten free baking mixes and such. So I bought more of that type stuff than normal.
Here's what I bought-
$3.09 Starbucks Vanilla Frappachino 4 pack - I bought 2 - These were 50% off cause of being discontinued - Minus $2.00 in coupons = $1.09 each (such a great deal for a 4 pack!)
$2.00 Kraft Shredded Cheese with a Touch of Philadelphia - Bought 2 - Minus $2.00 coupon = FREE
$.64 - Tasters Choice Stick Pack Decaff (also being discontinued)
$1.00 - Freshlike Frozen Veggies - Bought 2 - Minus $1.50 on 2 coupon = $.25 each
$2.39 - Organic Envirokids Koala Crisp (discontinued item - 50% off... these make great rice krispy treats)
$1.89 - French's Spicy Brown Mustard - bought 2 - Minus $1.89 in coupons = FREE
$2.99 - Cherrybrook Farms GF Cookie Mix - (discontinued item 50% off) - Minus $2.00 coupon = $.99
$2.00 - Colgate Kids Toothbrush - Minus $2.00 coupon = FREE
$2.99 - Apple and Eve Fruitables (8pk) - bought 2 - Minus $2.00 coupon = $.99 each
$1.99 - Kikkoman Soy Sauce - Minus $1.99 in coupons = FREE
$2.74 - Gluten Free Pantry Muffin/Scone Mix (Discontinued 50% off)
$2.99 - Kleenex Hand Towels - bought 2 - Minus $2.00 = $.99 each
Total with tax - $14.69
Total remaining $25.31
I'm sure I'll use some of the baking mixes for entertaining, but I don't know which ones so I'm not exempting anything. I am considering taking some of next weeks budget and going back for more because normally GF baking ingredients are at least $5.00 per package. I'm not sure if that's allowed though (I'm very indecisive, even if this whole thing is an invention in my mind and I make the rules).... anyways, I'm thinking about it.
I'll be making a Meijer run later in the week and may buy another turkey to freeze for another time. I love turkey and this is the best time to buy it. I get all giddy getting a good deal on something like a turkey because meat is something most people think is impossible to get a "deal" on. I really am a huge nerd. I get excited about things like reading a new cookbook and finding a good deal. I do really love saving money. I'd rather spend my husband's hard earned cash on something fun, not groceries. I'm currently saving my extra grocery money for a vacation to Discovery Cove next year. I'd love to take the kids there and to Sea World, Busch Gardens, and Aquatica. If I was spending $100+ a week on groceries, that vacation just wouldn't happen. I love being able to do my part to make the trip happen by cutting my budget. And it's so much more fun to save when you have something exciting to save for!
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